You’ll have to forgive me for getting a bit deep here.
Roughly four years ago, I went through a rough patch in my life and that bled directly into my relationship with God. I began a daily journal in an effort to solidify my faith (faith which is a choice, not a burden). I hope my meditations will benefit others as well….
Though salvation is free, discipleship is what will cost me.
The biggest lie is “You are what you do.” Jordan, Pitt, Tiger, Oprah, and Jobs are all just human.
To combat the lie, realize that you can’t function outside your perception of God. It’s not just knowing of Jesus, but knowing Him. You can go to church for 35 years and punch your church “time card,” but never do any real spiritual work.
The most important thing about a person is what they think about when they think about God. Thankfully, we aren’t graded pass/fail on this. Can you imaging getting to heaven and hearing God say:
Hey Frank, it looks like you scored a 59.5% on the faith scale. You need a 60% to pass. I never knew you.
Neither can I.
The goal of an airline is to get us home safe. If you vacation and die on the way home, it was a terrible trip.
God’s goal is to get us home as well, and what our time on Earth is like (to Him) pales in comparison to that.
We are not meant for Earth.
People need to see Jesus when they see me. What am I to tell Him that I’ve sacrificed enough when he sacrificed His son?
You can never let God down because you are simply NOT holding him up. Throw away any guilt you have because of that.
God holds us up and will never let us down.
We know dog breeds by certain behaviors (like a sheltie versus a border collie) as well as the more obvious outward appearance.
Jesus says that it’s by our love for one another that people will know we’re believer.
This type of love is an act of will, not emotion.
The highest mountain isn’t proud, for it knows its place of origin.
Too many people say we need more self-esteem. But self-esteem leads to self-contentedness, which we already have too much of. We need more other-esteem.
On the Belt of Truth:
Multiple truths is good for detergent and car wax, but not for faith.
God gives us his truth so that we may do battle.
The jiu jitsu belt holds the gi together as the belt of truth is the basis and fundamental part of the Armor of God.
I want to share with you something I wrote four months after I started my journal, after reading Matthew 11:29.
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
Supernatural Change
The Lord is like a vine that grows on your sinful foundation. You can cut it back, but if you let it grow long enough, it will undermine and ruin your sinful nature. It will ingrain itself so deeply into the core of your being that you won’t be able to imagine standing upright without it.
Sometimes this means going counter to the church. The church says “ignore the poor.” The church says “so many of us do these sins, so they’re okay.”
Blessed are the Meek
Meek is not weak. Meek is strength under control, completly surrendered to loving leadership in God.
God tells us…
This isn’t how it was meant to be. I never changed you. This is how you’ve always been under it all.
Great posts written with clarity. This post was very enlightening but I do have a question about one of the topics. If we werent meant for Earth, then why are we here? Using your analogy, is Earth supposed to be a temporary stop? If so, why does Genesis say that God created us to rule over all of the Earth and have dominion? I believe Earth was intentionally created for man. After God made it, God said it is good!
Hey Jay,
I really appreciate your comment!
“If we weren’t meant for Earth, then why are we here?”
Give my beliefs, we’re here because two things changed: our relationship with God and the Earth itself.
We are made to be in communion with God and have a direct relationship.
If we’re quoting Genesis, you’ll note that the first of us lived in (and were created to live in) Eden, not on this Earth as it is now and not with the indirect relationship we currently have with God.
Again, that’s just as I understand it. I firmly believe that we’re meant to live with God, not here as it is now.